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Get Your Share of the $600 Billion Beauty Industry by Repositioning Your Beauty Brand

Craft Your Beauty Niche (CYBN) is a 7-day program designed to help you differentiate your beauty brand, connect to your target audience, and grow your revenue

*Get your FULL MONEY BACK if you are not satisfied with the first session of the program.

Does this Describe You?

  • You run a beauty business but are struggling to scale?

  • You are struggling to get consistent sales for your products?

  • You struggle to articulate what makes your beauty brand unique?

  • You aren’t clear about who should be your target audience?

  • You are spending on ads but aren’t gaining tangible results?

  • You have tried different
    marketing tactics but your sales aren’t growing?

  • You find it difficult to charge a premium for your products?

  • You are struggling to reach and attract customers with high purchasing power?

  • You find it hard to pick a profitable niche you can dominate?

If you answered YES to any of these questions,
then CYBN is specifically designed for you.

Who is this Program Made For?

  • Intending beauty business owners.

  • Existing beauty businesses making less than $50,000 monthly.

  • Beauty business professionals (marketers, consultants, etc.)

  • Skincare consultants

Categories of Beauty Businesses Covered in this Program

  • Skincare

  • Haircare

  • Perfumes and fragrances

  • Makeup, lashes, brows

  • Oral care

  • Spas and beauty treatments

  • Beauty foods/snacks (gummies, fruit mixes, etc)

  • Nail care

  • Personal brands in the beauty industry

  • Skincare & body image consultants

  • Beauty tech products

  • Beauty treatment brands, etc.

What the CYBN Program Covers

Session 1: Comprehensive
Brand Audit

  • – Founder’s inspiration for starting the business.

  • – A comprehensive audit of your branding, marketing, and revenue.

  • – Analyze your current brand messaging, then clarify your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.

  • – Conduct an audit of your social media pages, website, and other digital platform.

  • – At the end of this session, you will get a detailed report on your overall brand performance.

Session 2. Competitive

  • – Dive deep into your industry to identify whitespace and opportunities for differentiation.

  • – Analyze your strength as a brand and match it with an industry gap.

  • – Clearly define the gap you are filling in your industry or product category

Session 3. Target Audience

  • – We’ll collaborate with you in defining who you should be targeting as a beauty brand.
  • – Consider industry trends and consumer behavior in picking the perfect target audience for your beauty  brand.
  • – Create your customer persona – a visual illustration of your ideal customer

Session 4. Define Your Niche & Craft Your Beauty Brand Positioning Statement

  • – Guide client through picking a profitable niche that matches their strengths and values as a brand

  • – Summarize your niche in a brand positioning statement

  • – Develop a brand message that effectively communicates your new brand positioning

  • – Craft a tagline that resonates with your target audience

Session 5. Develop Your Marketing Strategy

  • – Co-create a marketing strategy that outlines the channels, tactics, and messages that will effectively reach your target audience.

  • – Highlight the types of content you should be creating

  • – Set a relaunch sales target and milestones for measuring success

Bonus: 2 Months of Access to Doers Club

  • – To help sustain your newly gained momentum, we will grant you free 2 months of access to DoersClub, a community that will keep you accountable and focused on your business goals

10 Benefits You’ll Gain From CYBN

  1. Gain clarity about your unique selling point.

  2. Choose a unique positioning that enables you to scale fast.

  3. Be able to clearly articulate your unique offering.

  4. Learn how to attract, reach and sell to premium customers the right way.

  5. Learn what it takes to command premium prices.

  6. Eliminate trial and error from your marketing.

  7. Earn more from every dollar you spend on advertising.

  8. Gain consistent sales on a monthly basis.

  9. Improve your customer retention

  10. Figure out the products your customers would love

Get our exclusive offer for the first 3 slots at a giveaway price of $370.
Original fee: $500

*Get your FULL MONEY BACK if you are not satisfied with the first session of the program.


Get 2 landing page templates for your Facebook/Instagram Ads

Get our video ad template that converted 420% return on ad spend

Get fail-proof Facebook & Instagram ad ideas

Get 2-month hand-holding after the program ends

Access to our accountability community

What Makes Us Credible to Deliver?

◼ We’ve branded companies worth over $30 Million

◼ Meta Grant Winner

◼ Most Creative Branding Company - Middle East & African Excellence Awards, 2023

◼ We're led by an award-winning Brand Strategist who has created high-converting strategies and customer acquisition system for beauty brands globally.

◼ Averaged a 400% return on ad spend for clients

What Happens When You Click Sign Up?

Sign Me up

Fill out your business details, description, issues and desired expectations

When Do I Begin?

Select the preferred days and times for your consultation

How Do I Get A Slot?

Confirm your slot by making payment

After That?

Get ready for the most insightful strategy sessions you’ve ever experienced

"What happens if I don’t get my money’s worth?"

If you don’t feel satisfied after your first session, we will be happy to fully refund you.

Not ready to sign up? Book our inquiry call

Schedule a time to discuss how this program can improve your revenue


$ 370 One-time Payment
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Messaging
  • Productization
  • Product Selection
  • Marketing Plan
  • Everything in Bonus Offers


Not ready to sign up? Book our inquiry call
  • 15-minutes Brand Clarity

Frequently Asked Questions

The program aims provides strategic guidance on how you can identify and highlight the unique aspects of your beauty brand. This includes understanding your brand’s strengths, values, and unique selling propositions, and how to communicate these effectively to your target audience.

There’s something called demographic and psychographic profiling when it comes to identifying and understanding your target audience. This is a key part of the program that will help you understand their needs and wants, and how your beauty brand can meet these needs.

$600 billion is also a lot of money. But we want you to understand that it’s not just about the money for us, we cherish the results and relationship we have with our subscribers. So you have nothing to worry about. If you are not satisfied with the first session of this program, you will get a 100% full refund of your money. Easy Peasy.

You need to create and work with strategies on how to effectively reach your perfect type of customer. This includes understanding where your audience spends their time online, what kind of content they engage with, and how to create and distribute content that attracts and engages them.

Relax! Of course, CYBN will provide guidance on pricing strategies. This includes understanding the value your beauty brand provides, how to communicate this value to your customers, and how to price your products accordingly.

You need a solid market research techniques that will help you understand your customers’ needs and wants. This includes surveys, interviews, and social listening strategies.

No need to worry about that. you will get trained on effective advertising strategies. This includes understanding how to create compelling ad copy, how to target your ads effectively, and how to measure and optimize your ad performance.

Say No More. What you need is a strategic approach to marketing. That means you need to understand your marketing objectives, develop a marketing plan, and implement, measure, and refine your marketing strategies based on performance.

CYBN provides guidance on effective influencer marketing. This includes understanding how to choose the right influencers for your brand, how to create effective influencer campaigns, and how to measure the success of your influencer marketing efforts.

 Yes, the program provides strategies on how to drive consistent sales. This includes understanding your sales funnel, how to nurture leads and convert them into customers, and how to retain customers and encourage repeat purchases.

We are here to empower you to stand out, connect with your audience, and thrive in the ever-evolving beauty industry.

Contact Us

+234 (080)64 779 666

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